Naturally Adapt

Urban Dictionary: Private Idaho. Private Idaho. To live in a utopian world of your own imagination. The term may have been coined when Idaho and the surrounding states came into U.S. possession. The area was thought as a major growth area, so lifelong dreams could be supported there. It was.

Urban Dictionary: Private Idaho
Urban Dictionary: Private Idaho from

The B-52's are from Athens, Georgia, and never played a concert in Idaho until September 13, 2011, when they played at Eagle River Pavilion in Eagle, Idaho. In preparation of the event, the Idaho Statesman interviewed Fred Schneider about the song's meaning. "Idaho is pretty mysterious to all of us," he said. "I know it's a beautiful state, but then I know there's also a lot of crazy right-wingers and all that stuff..The song's about all different things. It's not like a parody of Idaho o…

joseph brothers names

JOSEPH [ジョゼフ] – JOSEPH-オンラインストア . ウェブJOSEPHのオフィシャルオンラインストアです。ラグジュアリーなエッセンスが加味された、コンテンポラリーでタイムレスなワードローブを世界に発信する英国ブランド。 12月27日~1月3日は年末年始...